It''s 10:36 pm on a Tuesday night and I am still in the office.
I suppose that sums up why I have been silent the past few weeks. After getting a new client on board, things have been more than a little hectic. I rather miss the days when I could sit at work and read stuff at my leisure. These past few weeks have been pretty rough. Lunching in, late nights, endless meetings, pulling one hair's out, almost punching people in the face, chainsmoking and just praying for the weekend to come as quickly as possible.
Honestly it's not healthy. I believe a certain amount of stress in one's life is a good thing. But going from zero to hundred in a matter of seconds is meant for V8 engines, not mere mortals like me. May I clarify that I am not complaining. I like my job. I learn new things everyday and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to use my brain when it comes to dealing with day-to-day situations. More often than not, it's the people who drive me up the wall. Dealing with humans in general can be trying. And in stressful situations, you tend to see the worst sides of people which makes dealing with humans, that much harder.
But let's not whinge about it so. :)
I have been slaving away for an event that is scheduled to take place tomorrow. I am still sitting in the office trying to tie up loose ends. I hope, with all my fingers and toes crossed that tomorrow goes well.
Apart from work, I've been busy trying to find some time to catch up with my friends. I am slowly getting there I think. Went to Bali last week with a couple of mates. Loads of fun and a much needed break from all the work madness. Came back feeling a little more positive about things which will probably explain the second wind at work. Spooner and I are still seeing each other. I think it's just under 2 months now and things are going okay. It's very weird when a two people who are generally reserved and closed about themselves go out with each other. We tip-toe around each other a lot and the irony is I think we both realize that we're trying to very carefully navigate around each other. It takes time to get to know a person and to trust someone and I'm quite happy to just do what we're doing now - movies, going out for a meal, or just watching tv on the sofa. He's funny, affectionate, smart and a pretty chilled out guy and well, I'm quite pleased with the package. ;)
I'm hoping that after this event I'll get a bit of a breather but I highly doubt it because there is another one coming up next month so I'm just going to keep pushing. I don't like when my days melt into each other and I can't tell morning from night anymore. It feels like I'm losing a grip on life which may sound a bit morbid but I'm not actually talking about being compos mentis. :P
Well, gotta get back to it. Wish me luck.