Gah! It's been more than a month. If my last post was anything to go by, I really have no sense of where all my time goes. Depressing, but such is life.
And so my life has been really hectic and exciting (hur!). I'm still working too hard, spending too much money, drinking too much, smoking excessively and whiling my time away with Spooner. Yes, he's still around, thankfully. :)
It's closing in on the third month since we first started going out. One part of me of is ridiculously excited about this prospect because cynical me never imagined that he'd like me enough to stick around. The other part is bewildered and confused and well, cynical, and thus wondering 'Why the hell is he still here?' (Please don't psychoanalyze and tell me that this is a confidence issue because I really am just plain cynical.)
Either way it's an interesting situation to be in. We sort of know each other better now but not well enough to be blurting out our deepest and darkest secrets to each other. Though, to be honest, I am the obviously reticent half of this couple (for lack of a better word, I swear!) Spooner has been pretty transparent about most things. Contrarily, he has yet to meet any of my friends/colleagues. May I clarify that this is in no way my fault. I invited him out for a drink with my work mates last Thursday, but guess what, football took priority so he didn't join me. (See! I am trying!) Am in two minds about his decision to prioritize footy above yours truly though. Firstly, I can totally get the need to kick a ball around a field like a chipmunk on speed and vent off excessive testosterone. Pent-up testosterone is a recipe for disaster so I will usually not stand in the way of one to go work it off. On the flipside, for someone who has been bugging me about meeting my friends, when I finally extend an invitation (albeit grudgingly), his stoic and immediate response was, "Have to check if I am playing footy on that day. If yes, then I have to play. Sorry, it HAS to be done."
So seriously, if I lie in wait in his bed with really sexy lingerie, is he going to go, "Not now babe. West Ham are playing Chelsea!" (?)
I suppose I should not be surprised considering that the first thing the man does on a Sunday morning is grab is MacBook Pro and look up the football scores from the night before and goes on to watch the commentary and manager's comments with the volume turned up while I try my hardest to fight the urge to whack him over the head with a pillow because I'm trying to sleep.
Aye, what have I got myself into?
However, the more pressing issue is this. The fact that people around me have started referring to him as my *cringe*... as my....*whispers* boyfriend. Now, I am not afraid of the word but I'm going to put my foot down here and stamp all over the place and declare that he is NOT my boyfriend. (Christ, it sounds like a dirty word!)
Now before you all descend on me with the wrath of a giant thesaurus, please let me explain where I am coming from. I've had different people throw different questions at me trying to prove that he is indeed my boyfriend and I fully understand where these people are coming from. For example, 'Are you dating exclusively?' Yes. 'How long have you guys been seeing each other?' About three months. 'Do you stay over at his place?' Huh? Relevance people, relevance! But okay, yes, I do. 'Has he bought you anything aside from food and drink?' (This one was mind-boggling.) Yes he has! He bought me a really expensive hair-tie because he.felt.like.buying.me.something.
Somehow the people who have asked me the above questions and those of similar nature have all landed/flopped on the same conclusion. Verdict: He is your boyfriend lah!
*insert violent protest here*
For the sake of arguing, thesarus.com defines 'boyfriend' as male acquaintance or romantic companion. Logically, the 'male acquaintance' portion is somewhat wishy-washy because that would mean I have a long list of boyfriends which may imply that I am some sort of harlot. 'Romantic companion' is also negligible as it would involve 'romance'. And uhm... 'romance' is a bit of a dodgy noun on its own. :P
Synonyms for the dirty B word include admirer, beau, companion, confidant, date, escort, fiance, flame, follower (uh?), friend, intimate, partner, soul mate, steady (ha!), suitor, swain (wazzat? A piggy?), sweetheart, and young man.
Using the above as a benchmark, I'm going to embark on the time-tested process of elimination.
Hence, in my head, Spooner is:
Mathematically, this means that he only fulfills 22.2% of the 'boyfriend' criteria and thus, cannot be labeled as one! :D
I'm not just being weird and insane about calling him my 'boyfriend'. Truth is, I am not ready. I associate that word with a lot of things and to be fair, I do not think Spooner and I have reached that level of trust and companionship where I'd gladly nod, smile and say, 'Yeah, he's my boyfriend.' As such, he currently hovers between status quos, thanks to my high, exacting and some may say, slightly loopy standards. Don't get me wrong, I like his company, the weird things he says, the funny gait in his walk and even the fact that he 'sweats like a rapist' and has a penchant for freaking normal people out by taking the piss. But that's just not enough reason. What am I waiting for then, you ask? I haven't got a clue to be honest but if you'll excuse the cliche, I suppose I'll know when I know.
And honestly, there's no need to put anyone in boxes, just yet. :)