It's easy to get preoccupied with your own life. Me, myself, me, myself, me, myself and of course I. It's a mentality that we're used to and most of us don't really give a tuppence as to what happens to anyone else as long as it doesn't involve us personally in any way.
The reality however, is quite different. There are many around us who need our help and need our attention but oftentimes are drowned out by the 'It's not my problem' attitude we carry around. This is why I say 'Kudos'to the 85 campaigners of Project Reach 2010 for standing up for those and being the voice of those in need.
About Project Reach 2010
Project Reach 2010 is a programme presented and spearheaded by Murdoch University's public relations students in Singapore. This year the programme comprises two elements, a Causathon (an online fund-raising competition),and a Conference, (the landmark event for Project Reach.
Aimed at championing meaningful causes, Project Reach 2010 provides and empowering opportunity for both students and not-for-profit (NFP) organisations to explore strategic and sustainable communication plans.
About Project Reach Causathon
The Project Reach Causathon involves 85 students in an online fund-raising competition. Dubbed as the "race for a cause", Causathon is fundraising 2.0 which taps on social media and the collaboration with GIVE.sg to raise funds for 14 different causes. The Causathon was kick started on 7th July 2010 and two winning teams - the top fund-raiser and the most creative fund-raiser - will be announced during the Project Reach Conference on 29th July 2010.
Project Reach 2010 is unique in itself as it is an initiative that works with a zero, (yes, ZERO) budget. This year's fundraising movement was inspired by US President Obama's successful use of social media during his election campaign.

As you can tell, there are many startling resemblances between Barack and Jimmy from the Project Reach 2010 Organising Team. Deep thinkers these people... :D
Causes Supported by the Project Reach Causathon
Here's some info on the various beneficiaries that will benefit through the Causathon.
Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)
- Rescue and house animals through the End the Illegal Wildlife Trade Fund
Asian Women's Welfare Association (AWWA)
- Provide food and materials for children with special needs through the SMILES (Students Meet for Interaction, Learning and Enrichment) programme
- Provide services for families, the elderly, children and young people with special needs to maximise their potential for self-sufficiency
Children-At-Risk-Empowerment Association (CARE)
- Reach out to at-risk youth and raise Resilient, Involved, Purposeful, and Empowered (RIPE) youths through various programmes
Compassion Fund
- Provide financial assistance for children whose families are in crisis through Crisis Response Fund
Home Nursing Foundation
- Purchase medical supplies for patients
- Subsidy for the cost of long term care for patients
Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics (H.O.M.E)
- Provide a shelter of refuge for abused and exploited migrant workers
Parkinson's Disease Society of Singapore
- Provide assistance to patients who require financial support to receive treatment such as medication through the Patient Welfare Fund
Sanctuary House
- Purchase essential supplies for babies through Project Baby Love
Singapore Environment Council
- Green activities that seek to address environmental conservation through sustainable programmes
Transient Workers Count too (TWC2)
- Provide free meals for stranded migrant workers through The Cuff Road Project
- Provide financial assistance to needy migrant workers through the Emergency Fund
Very Special Arts
- Provide visual and performing arts programmes to special needs schools through its outreach projects
If you want to know more about Project Reach 2010 and get updates on ongoing activities, visit their blog at http://projectreachsg.wordpress.com/
and support the causes they're campaigning for at:
So, what's your cause?
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