And so I will officially be on holiday from tomorrow evening onwards. I kind of have mixed feelings about this trip. On one hand I am totally psyched that I am going to be gallivanting around Europe with a backpack and a mate from school. This would be the first proper long holiday I've had in a while now. I did do Bali last October with a couple of friends and it was good fun but too brief to really be much of a proper break. This time I am taking two weeks off and will be trooping through Amsterdam, Paris, Chamonix, Rome, Barcelona, Granada and Madrid.
This trip is also a milestone for me because it's the first time I am traveling halfway around the world with someone who isn't my boyfriend. Yeah it's a bit weird for me to deal with this. My mate is male but we went to university together and we're nothing but good friends. The odds of anything ever transpiring between us hovers around the region of ZILCH. Prior to this trip, all big trips were with the last serious ex, D. We traveled a lot when we were together. Cambodia twice, Bali, Bangkok, London, Sydney, Vietnam and Phuket twice too. Exploring the world with D used to be one of my favourite things to do and I'm glad I shared those opportunities with him. I did also go to Langkawi with the Twat known as Spooner late last year. Let's just say that the most exciting part of that trip was my adventure with a spider in the bathroom. Enough said.
There is also the other thing about leaving someone back home whilst I'm off having fun on a different continent. Yeah, there is someone in the picture. I just haven't mentioned him. Part of the reason for this is the fact that I didn't want to jinx the whole bloody thing. Look how excited I was about Spooner and he turned out to be something out of the bowels of hell. Oh and just in case you're wondering, he never returned me my stuff. Bastard. May you lose all the head on your head tomorrow.
So yes, there's someone at home that I don't really have the heart to leave behind at this point in time. True it's only been 5 weeks but he's funny, kind and good company. Best of all he's already met some of my friends and so far no one has told me that they think he's a complete douchebag. Ironically, they seem to like him a lot and one even told me, "He's a keeper." Don't worry, I raised my eyebrows at that quite a fair bit. I had to. Do you know how many beers had been consumed prior to the making of that statement?!
It is still early days yet but he does seem like a decent human. Okay, a little more than decent. The fact that he was away in Macau for a week and he texted everyday just to ask if things were okay with me and to fill me in on what he was up to for the day was very unexpected. And he pulled another rabbit out of his pocket by offering to loan me his iPad whilst I'm away so that I won't be bored out of my skull on the long train rides. What really threw me was that he went online and downloaded maps for the different cities I'll be in on the iPad so I could refer to them even when I'm offline. Unexpected? Defo!
Alas needs must and all that jazz, the trip was already committed to and planned before I met him. I had agreed to this trip as I felt I need to get away from everything for a while and go somewhere where I'd be able to empty my head properly and get a fresh perspective on life in general. Well, it's one hell of an expensive head-emptying perspective for sure! My bank accounts have been bled dry and I haven't even left the country!
But I'm not whinging. I'm looking forward to going away and getting some peace and quiet. Well that shall be an interesting mission assuming I don't throttle my travel buddy because he can be a tight-arsed little prick sometimes for no good reason whatsoever. No, that was not a tongue-in-cheek statement.
So wish me luck as I go a-wandering. I will attempt to blog intermittently whenever possible. If all else fails, I'll just post pretty pics of the sights I see.
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