I guess I owe you the details of date number two (and three) with Spooner. :)
Date number two was far more interesting than the first. He had asked me out on Saturday afternoon to go out for dinner that night. I agreed considering I had no plans and I did want to see him again. Weird part was that he asked me to pick him up. Like hello, I have no car or motorcycle. No bicycle even. But considering that we were heading to Dempsey and he lives close by, I decided to put my narrow-minded perceptions aside and went to pick him up in a cab.
Can I just say, that office clothes do nothing for that man? He was decked in a blue polo t-shirt, jeans and sneakers on Saturday and had changed his glasses. He looked like Clark Kent. I think the taxi driver heard the sharp intake of breath I took in as my brain registered the shoulders, the long torso, the legs, the whole damn package and thought, "Shit. He's hot."
We headed to Dempsey. I was a retarded bundle of nerves. Got to our location and ordered our drinks. Sapporo and Asahi kept us company at the Tippling Club as I fought to remain intelligent and witty. I am going to admit that my hormones were getting the better of me that night because I had no greater desire than to lunge across the table and rip his shirt off. The man was proving to be well-read, smart and funny. He asked questions. He listened. We bantered, we discoursed, we laughed at each other. And he was really nice to the service staff. Plus, did I mention that he's hot? What to do? I sat on my hands. Yes, I was that mind-fucked.
Five drinks and some bar snacks later (Recommendation: try the duck sausage!), we decided that we needed a change of scenery and went off to Blue Jazz near Haji Lane. The entire time, the man did not lay one finger on me. I was amazed and confused. 'Am I so repulsive that he always has to keep an arm's length away from me?' or 'Maybe he's gay...' were taking turns to run through my befuddled brain.
We got to our second destination and went up to the second floor. The man is into rap and hip-hop and fortunately, the second floor of the Blue Jazz place is dedicated to that genre so he was quite happy about it. He ordered the drinks. I went to the bathroom and came back and found him on a sofa. I sat across him. He moved to the stool next to me and then eventually asked me to sit next to him. (Finally!) And then came the clincher. He leaned over to ask, "Is it okay if I put my arm around you?"
I almost exploded with laughter. I know most people are generally polite, but this man was taking it to another level altogether. And the other thought was, "He's not gay! Woohoo!"
So we sat there, smoked our cigarettes, bopped to the music and chilled out. Made a new friend with a Thai guy who needed a lighter. All good fun. Went home plastered at 3:30 and crashed in our own beds.
Now I am too lazy to type so I am going to put a screenshot up.

So we hung out on Sunday at East Coast in the afternoon. Nothing fancy. He had to eat after his football match so we had a late meal and then we proceeded to both lie down on the grass and fall asleep for a while.
It was just so nice. To just lie there on my back, be quiet, stare at the trees and the sky through my sunglasses. No pressure from the guy lying next to me who was equally silent. I stared up into the sky wondering when was the last time I was that relaxed. I couldn't find an answer to that and let me assure you, it had nothing to do with Spooner being next to me. Yes, he was still as yummy as the night before but we were both in our own mental zones and there was no frantic need to make smart conversation. When we did talk, it was just about what people around us were doing - the Malay family spending a day a the beach waiting to break their fast at sunset, the kids flying kites and playing frisbee on the sand, and the couples sitting on the breakwater in front. I think I finally figured out the meaning of shooting the breeze.
Sunday ended with a milkshake from Once Upon a Milkshake (OUAM). I am in lurrrve...with their chocolate truffle shake which is sinful and diabetes-inducing but so, so, sooooo good.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is dates number two and three with Spooner. And if you're wondering whether he has kissed me yet, well, I'm not saying anything for now. :)
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