Before you get your panties all sweaty, let me clarify that though there is a resemblance to Hugh Laurie - blue eyes, dark hair, expressive mouth - he is not an exact replica. But he doesn't look like a complete oaf either which in my books is a huge plus.
As planned, I turned up early at the date venue and battled with my nerves with a Heineken and game after game of Scrabble on my iPhone. (Yes, I am such a geek.) Needless to say, it was quite embarrassing when Spooner finally arrived and went, "Hello Scrabble girl."
Date proceeded with round after round of beer and way too many cigarettes. Conversation was easy. Talked about family backgrounds, work, getting hit on by people of the same gender. Funniest topic of the night was music.
Me: So what's your favourite band, if you have one?
Spooner: Uhm, I'm not into mainstream stuff. Actually, I don't listen to what most people listen to.
Me: Er...okay. So what, you listen to trance? (Was holding my breath at this point, ready to jump into the river if he said yes.)
Spooner: I know it's weird because I'm English but I really like to listen to...rap.
Me: Huh? Like Kanye West? (Seriously, what the fuck would I know about rap? Aside from the fact that it rhymes with map and tap and they sing about women sitting on their laps... uh, anyway...)
Spooner: Well, grittier than Kanye. Serious hip hop and rap.
Me: Oh wow. I listen to indie bands. The only so-called rap I listen to is Kanye. Listened to 2Pac a long time ago but that's about it. (Talk about clutching at straws. Way to go babe! *facepalm*)
Spooner: Ah, it could have been much worse. I'm glad you didn't say 50-cent.
Me: (!!!!)
Okay, so he has a cheeky sense of humour. Yay!
I am not used to seeing men who are tremendously animated when they speak. Spooner has a variety of facial expressions and uses his hands a lot when he's talking about something. I have this pre-conceived notion that Englishmen are all stiff upper lip and about as expressive as a brick. Well, that got shot to hell. In fact, I found myself moving my beer bottle further and further away from Spooner because I was afraid he'd knock it over. At times it felt like I was sitting across a hyperactive beagle.
I regret to say that I did not get the opportunity to perv at Spooner's butt. Sorry, it was just too dark. I did notice one thing though. He has very small teeth. Weird observation I know, but he was laughing at something and all I could register was, "Such small teeth!" (I agree. Totally WTF.)
So, overall it was a good first meeting. I know you're dying to know if I will go out with him again but I am going to ponder that over lunch and when I make up my mind, I'll let you know. ;)
Hungry, hungry, hippo... I need some grease.
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