And so I met Spooner's friends over the recent long weekend. It's not the first time though. The first time was during a touch rugby match on the beach where I was tackled headlong by a full-grown man barreling into me at about 5 kilometers per hour. Note to my female readers - DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU. I felt like I had been hit by a concrete wall and I'm surprised I didn't break a rib.
Last weekend was little less physically intense. Well not really, considering I drank about 10 bottles of Heineken over a 5 hour period and I felt like dying the next morning. But the night in itself was not all that bad. The rendevous point was KPO and the drinks just kept coming. It was interesting to see Spooner in a social situation and it was quite nerve wracking for me to sit there and partake in conversations with a few people that I had never met before. I can only hope that I made a positive impression. You know how it gets when you've been drinking. Tongues get looser as people become more relaxed. Things you normally wouldn't say in a different situation come flying out of people's mouths and you don't really reflect on what they're saying until your hangover has properly worn off about 3 days later. :P
Being the only female in the entire group was pretty pressurizing. And there was also the fact that a couple of guys present didn't say a single word to me throughout the whole night. I pondered this quite a bit and could only draw two conclusions: a) they did not know what to say to me (I suppose the pressure works both ways), and b) they just simply did not like me. In the event that the latter reason is true, I refuse to be disheartened. I mean, how can you decide whether you like someone if you pretend to be mute the whole time? Personally, I am not one for snap judgments and I usually don't have people 'disliking' me for no reason. Yes, there have been a few but then again, those folks are insane. (Disclaimer: If you're one of those 'I make my mind up in 20 seconds' kinds, please stop reading and go away. Thankyouverymuch.)
Overall the friends proved to be an interesting bunch. Journalists, traders, insurance people, all sorts. My thoughts on this are quite positive. After all, if all his friends came from the same industry, then all the conversations would be monopolized by work and what the hell would I (or most people), know about marine underwriting? Hence, the diversity proved to be a good thing because it meant a range of topics could be discussed and different opinions could be expressed. Furthermore, it gave me some insight into Spooner's randomness. The man has thrown me off guard on several occasions and I've found myself knitting my eyebrows in bewilderment at some of the things that fly out of his mouth. Having hung out with the friends I suppose I have come to a semi-conclusion that it was probably wrong of me to try and fit him into a mould. Yes, most of us fall into one category or type of person but I don't know him well enough to stick a label on him just yet. But it is nice to sort of understand what sort of person he is. And believe me, you can tell a lot about a person from the friends they keep.
However here comes the quandary as I am now wondering how soon or is it still too soon for him to meet my friends. I suppose in these foreign dating situations, one is expected to reciprocate actions to a certain degree. Alas, I am also quite aware that most of my friends are in no hurry to do the 'meet the mates' thing. After all, it's only been a mere five weeks now. Besides, I can hardly say that I know the guy well enough because everytime we hang out I find out something new about him. For example, he has a weird obsession with drinking tons of water. He says it's because he dehydrates easily. I say it's more about him trying to avoid grabbing a beer or a Coke from the fridge each time he is thirsty.
In any case he has asked me to go his friend's birthday party with him next weekend. I suppose it will be another chance to meet more of his friends. The weekend after I will be in Bali with my erstwhile friends (woohoo!) so that's a little bit of time off from him and his entourage which could prove to be a valuable opportunity to sit and think about things. And maybe, just maybe I might consider letting him meet some people from my social circle after that trip. But I refuse to get ahead of myself. Let me live out the next couple of weeks before I make any decisions.
Okay, I shall now attempt to go something productive...like create a massive deliverable list. How bloody exciting.
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