The next person who comes to me whining about their weight/body image issues is going to get a nice, resounding smack from yours truly.
Seriously people, there's a whole load of other shit you can worry about instead of obsessing about the number showing on your weighing scale. Mind you, it's not just the women who are whinging. The men are too. Case in point Spooner who is in Hong Kong this week for work complaining over text messages that he is growing as fat as a pig because all he's doing is eating rich food, sitting in his chair the whole day and not exercising. This, coming from a man who usually hits the gym everyday and plays football twice a week on top of that is honestly, a bit much because as far as I can tell, he doesn't have any excess weight anywhere!
If you're wondering who the chick in the picture is, it's Ximena Navarrete, the current Miss Mexico and also the winner of Miss Universe 2010. She's 21 and stands at a pretty normal 1.74 metres. (I say normal because there is a large part of the world that is taller than the average Singaporean making us, the subnormal ones.) If there is one person in the world who has the right to be going mental over her weight or body shape, it's her. The rest of us should learn to be a little more realistic with our megalomaniacal hang-ups.
Before you start moaning about your legs are not long enough, your tummy is causing the buttons on your jeans to pop out like missiles and your hips are wider than the moon, please register a very simple fact in your head - your body type is genetically determined. So just because you're not so small and can't fit into a size 24 pair of skinny jeans, that fact alone does not make you overweight or obese or even (the dreaded F-word), fat. The truth is, the shape of your body is determined by several factors. Genetics is the first one. Lifestyle is the second biggest factor. If you insist on eating good food, not exercising and basically slobbing around all the time, then do not be surprised if you pile on the pounds. But nevermind lifestyle. Let's deal with the horrible G word. Genetics. Though I would very much like to tell you to go scream at your parents for passing on their thunder thighs and narrow shoulders to you, it would end up being moot. So let's deal with this with a few more ounces of intelligence and approach this with a more scientific perspective.
What's your body type? An apple, a pear, a H? Identifying what kind of body you have could help you deal with your body image issues and even help you change your exercise regime or buy clothes that suit you better. So here we go...
The Apple

The apples amongst us generally have larger upper bodies (chest and stomach), with smaller arms and legs. If you have a thick waist, full breasts/chest, a wide torso and upper back, then you have a typical apple-shaped body. Men predominantly have this shape but women seem to be prone to develop this body shape later in life.
People with this body type should focus on aerobic training in order to lose overall body fat. High intensity cardio activities like jogging and stair-climbing help to lose fat all over while helping with definition in the lower half of the body. Cable training helps to strengthen your back and chest. Avoid wearing clothes that highlight your upper body width. Tube dresses and tight wife-beater tops don't flatter you so leave them alone.
The Pear

We all love Beyonce because she's bootylicious. Congratulations to all my pear-shaped friends because you're bootylicious too. :)
Pear-shaped bodies have small upper torso and wider hips and thighs. Your bodies tend to naturally store fat in your lower half so your exercise regime should concentrate on toning these specific areas. Ideally, you should spend about 75 percent of your time exercising your lower half and the remaining 25 percent on your upper body. Cycling, leg lifts and squats are some of your best friends. To balance out your top half, concentrate on shoulder presses and push-ups.
If you're insecure about your wider lower body, avoid tight outfits. If you think you can rock it, then by all means go ahead.
The Hourglass

Ahhhh Scarlett. Go on, drool. Hourglass shapes or people who are known to have the 8-frame are usually the envy of most. However, they tend to put on weight on both upper and lower halves quite easily. Their saving grace comes in the form of having a narrow waist that balances out their shoulders and hips which are usually of equal proportions.
To maintain the balance, hourglass-shaped folks should undertake an exercise regime that concentrates on all areas equally. You should be focusing on both cardio and resistance exercises like stationary biking, jogging, jumping rope, swimming, bicep curls, the shoulder press, and squats.
Oh and wear what you like, because you'll probably get away with it.
The H

Hello H. I don't know whether this body type is a bane or boon. I fall into this category. Large shoulders, large waist and long limbs make us look a little grass-hopper like.
H-type bodies should focus on keeping the upper body trim or else risk looking seriously stocky. Running on an incline helps keep the bulk down and to even out the lower half, concentrate on leg extensions and squats so that you don't end up with stick legs.
As far as clothes go, we tend to look better in shirts and clothing that requires 'hanging'. Jackets and longer tops help to even out the heaviness of the shoulders and the length of the torso. I have also come to realize that women with H-shaped bodies tend to look damn good in boy-cut jeans for some reason. :)
The Ruler

Every girl wants to be a ruler. We all want to eat as much as want, drink as much as want, not lift a finger and still look like a rake. Needless to say, it just doesn't work that way. Alas, there are a few out there who are born with ruler-shaped bodies and blessed with insane metabolic rates that don't allow them to put on much weight. The flipside to this is the fact that people with this body type generally struggle to put on muscle mass. So if you're looking to get a toned, nicely ripped look, it's going to be a bit of a battle.
Ruler-shaped folks should concentrate less on cardio and more on resistance training. This includes bench presses, squats, lat pull downs and hamstring curls. Resistance exercise helps create definition and believe me, a little bit of definition is always nice to see unless it's your life's ambition to resemble a piece of pasta.
What to wear? Avoid body-hugging, skin-tight outfits because they just make you look skinny. You're lucky enough to be able to wear all the frills and ribbons and layers you want so please, milk that opportunity.
The Inverted Triangle or V

The inverted triangle or V frame is quite a rare body type. It's considerably bigger on top when compared to the lower half. People with this body shape usually have shoulders measuring two to three inches more than their hips. The classic example of this is a swimmer's body. This is the ideal body shape for men and those with this frame should concentrate on bringing the lower body up to speed with the top half. Resistance training concentrating on the glutes, thighs and calves are your priority. Otherwise you'll end up risking looking like a giant box balanced on two stilts.
Please don't run out and get a boob job and PLEASE avoid wearing skinny jeans under pain of death.
Well I've educated you on the different body types that genetics has played a part in determining and what you can do to emphasize the good bits and how to deal with the not-so-good bits too. The onus is now on you to either get into a proper exercise regime or change your entire wardrobe. And if after all of this, you still insist on moaning about your body, then please call/text/email/skype me and I will be most happy to oblige and smack you across your head.
Til next time, bye! :)
With the inverted triangle body type, you can wear skinny jeans. You just have to be careful in how you wear them. You want to draw attention to your lower half and not as much to your upper half. How do that with skinny jeans? You wear a dark shirt and light colored jeans. Works like a charm.