Monday, January 31, 2011

Oh Faith

Two posts in two days. The universe is telling me something. Maybe it needs to update its communication portals because I seem to be missing memos one too many times.

So yesterday was a bit of a bizarre day. I wrote to Spooner, asking for my stuff for the FOURTH time now. It's been seven weeks and the man is still holding on to my clothes and other bits and pieces. I was rather sarcastic with my last line citing that it was bad manners to bring other women home when my things were still lying around. The reply that came back ticked me off big time.

"Yes, it is bad manners. :) Sorry, will have it packed and sent soon."

Christ alive, you mean my things are all exactly where I left them??!!

Honestly, it was this inference that set me off. Firstly, he's back on a dating website chatting up other women. I am on the same site. That's where we met, hence I know that he's back in action. Secondly, if you are looking to meet new people, should you not have the decency to close the previous chapter of your life and return your ex her things, without having to be asked repeatedly?

Apparently such simple logic eludes him. And this resulted in me going into full-swing rant mode and venting at anyone who was willing to offer half a ear. This includes ranting at my colleagues, my gay friend, my brother and a new person that I just met for the first time last weekend.

New person in question will be called erm... Hendricus (don't ask). First meeting last Saturday. Interesting to say the least. A teacher, bald, funny and pretty cool. Looking forward to meeting him again. :) He made the mistake of texting me yesterday when I was in full-swing rantation and I didn't spare him either. Fortunately, like the rest of the world, he thinks that I have every right to demand for my things and that Spooner's behaviour just screams, "TWAT".

So I went home after work and on the train, received a text from Tomski. Tomski is the guy I mentioned two posts earlier - the one who is a nice guy but still obsessing over his ex. I'm going to post the text message convo here and let you figure out what exactly transpired.


Propositioned for a casual liasion! Well, well, well, it's been a while since that's happened. And though it is flattering and part of me is cheeky enough to consider the option, (can't blame me... some sex is better than no sex but not necessarily better than bad sex), I am wary of getting into anything with Tomski because I half worry that he might start bawling his eyes out in front of me because he isn't over his ex. As I told a mate of mine, "I only carry THAT much tissue paper with me".

Went home and ranted to my brother about Spooner and Tomski and everything in between. Poor feller was braindead from work and didn't say much. He did however send me an email this morning, offering some thoughts and counsel which I thought was pretty sweet. He's a funny boy. :)

In any case, I won't be getting my stuff back so quickly it seems because Spooner is off to Phuket (again!) and will not be back until next Monday. Why doesn't he just stay there and marry one of the locals? Spare the rest of the women in my country the horrors of your abject, relentless stupidity please!

On a different note, given all the shit I have been through in the last year, I have decided to mark my upcoming 28th birthday with something symbolic. I have decided to get a tattoo. Nothing fancy, just the Chinese character for the word 'Faith'. Looking back on the past ten years of my life, having to deal with death, loss, pain, disappointments and all the curve balls that have been flung my way, I could use a reminder that I need to keep believing that there is a lot more left for me to experience and that there's always hope. :)

Happy CNY people!

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