Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reflections and Renewals

Hello. And Happy New Year. :)

And so I put behind me another year, another 365 days of meaningful and meaningless moments, 12 months of ups, downs and in-betweens. No, it wasn't all bad. It wasn't prefect either but life was never meant to be. And to be honest, if I led a perfect idyllic life, I might go stir crazy. ;)

Unlike other years past, I am happy to say that I am not spending the start of 2011 feeling mopey and miserable. The past year has been interesting to say the least. Change featured significantly in many areas of my life and though not all of it was easy to accept and deal with, there have been lessons which I am thankful for. One can only hope that those lessons serve me well in times to come.

There is plenty to be thankful for. I got a new job in an industry that I think fits me, my capabilities and my personality. For the first time in my entire working life, I feel like I'm in a place where I can grow and learn and truly apply myself as a trained professional. The past 8 months have been challenging and there were moments early on where quitting felt like a very appealing prospect. Thankfully I have never been one who gives up easily under pressure and I'm still giving it all I have. Another huge (tremendous!), blessing has been in the form of colleagues who have turned out to be a fantastic bunch of friends. Finding like-minded individuals in a workplace is tough as it is but I can safely say that the beer-guzzling, chainsmoking, crazy, fun-loving reprobates (kidding!) that I work with are a life-support system that I am truly grateful for. It's great to know that we're not just people who happen to work together but we're mates. And mates are rare finds. So thank you guys for being you. :)

On the personal front, things have not been particularly smooth sailing. One long-term relationship came to an end after many sleepless nights of tossing, procrastinating and hours of "What do I do?" self-questioning. In the end I bit the bullet and ended things. Looking back on it now, I have no regrets. I grew, matured and loved fiercely over 3.5 years and I am thankful for all the good times and happy moments which I will always hold close to my heart. There was happiness in the past and I am sure there will be happiness in the future, for both of us.

And then there was the whirlwind romance with the crazy Englishman (whom, I guiltily admit, still find very attractive). Though it was short-lived, it was all fun and it also made me realize that I shouldn't shortchange myself when it comes to matters of the heart. No one should.

Travel opportunities were few last year but good nonetheless. I made it to Ho Chi Minh City, Bintan, Bali and Langkawi. Next year there will be some massive travels on the cards. Watch out Europe, because I'm coming over in March to drink all your beer. :)

Health was something I wrangled with in 2009. Thankfully in 2010, I was none worse for wear apart from a couple of stubborn infections. I have progressively kept up an exercise regime and intend to keep doing so and up the ante in 2011. If a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, then well, I'm all over it. Besides, all that beer and pizza I consume needs to get out of my system somehow. :P

My family, as always have left me perplexed and perturbed with their weirdness at times but I am eternally thankful for their existence, their silent show of unwavering support and unconditional love. My brother and I have grown closer, thanks to adulthood. My lovely cousins have brought me much joy in 2010 and I hope they continue to do so even as they grow up and become adults in their own right. I pray for more opportunities to bond and hope that laughter, grace and love will continue to flourish in my household.

Friends! I cannot forget my friends! Every special one who has in some manner brought laughter, a listening ear, a shoulder or two to cry on and been a pillar of support during lesser sane moments, thank you, oh thank you so very much. I am, in many ways indebted to all of you for keeping me grounded and in check. Trust me, I have no idea what I would do with myself if it weren't for my friends. So here's to many more days of friendship and maybe I can try repaying my 'friend-debt' in time to come.
And for the few who have fallen by the wayside during the course of the year, I'm sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations of being a friend. No one said that being a friend would be simple and uncomplicated. In any case, it was nice knowing you and I wish you well.

And so I look forward positively and with much excitement to what 2011 will bring. May it be a year of all possibilities. :)

All possibilities are landing at my feet,
There's nothing I can see,
But possibilities.
All Possibilities - Badly Drawn Boy

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